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Exotica Lebanon Lebanon

Exotica Lebanon

Exotica Lebanon Address

: Zouk Mosbeh, Zouk Mikayel, Beirut, Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon







Exotica Flowers and Plants for Lebanon.

To date, Exotica has over 500 employees spread across the impressive showrooms, flower and plant production Nurseries, and Landscape Contracting divisions. This team of innovative and professional staff is spread between Lebanon and the UAE, contributing to Exotica’s vast experience and growth.

Exotica Emirates was established in 2005 with Landscape Contracting and Retail Divisions in Abu Dhabi. An astounding showroom was opened in the heart of Abu Dhabi, followed by a Nursery in Al Rahba.

Exotica offers a wide range of services including weekly floral contracts, plant supply and maintenance, events, seasonal decorations, and online flower deliveries.

Numerous businesses and high end hotels have showcased our designs, as our ability to transform spaces has been mastered through many years of experience.

With an extensive array of services and high end products, Exotica has established itself as one of the region’s leading green brands.

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